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The Advantages and Drawbacks Of Plastic Edging Material

Welcome back to the Border Magic of Lake and Orange Counties blog! In this ongoing series of blogs on edging materials, we have already covered metal material and plan to cover more! Today, we will be discussing plastic edging and why it could be the next material that you use on your lawn. Remember, your local lawn edging experts are here and ready to help you out with installing any of your edging needs! Now without further ado, here are the pros and cons of plastic edging material.

The Advantages Of Plastic Edging

Plastic edging has quite a few advantages when it comes to putting the edging into your yard. While it isn’t the best for everyone, there are certainly the people who love it for a larger variety of reasons!


One of the largest advantages of plastic edging is that it can often be extremely budget-friendly for those who are trying to save some money on lawn maintenance. It can cost anywhere from one to two dollars per square foot and is on the cheaper side when it comes to edging materials that you may encounter.


While it might not last a long time in comparison to something like metal, it will stand up against the weather that gets thrown at it for a few years without fault. This is why we think that the cost to benefit ratio of plastic edging can be beneficial for customers who are on a budget.

The Cons Of Plastic EdgingDurability

While this material will hold up against every element that it encounters, it doesn’t mean that it will hold up for a long period of time. This means that while it is cost-effective in the beginning, once you have to replace it, it will far outweigh what you would have paid for a different material. This is one of the reasons why we feel that it is a good idea to edge with this material but save up for something that is higher quality in the future.


Plastic edging material often comes in rolls which can make it difficult to install. When you unroll it, it can be hard for it to not try and roll back into its original shape. This makes installation difficult because you will be constantly fighting with the material to stay in the form that you want it to be in when you are edging.

We Have Lift Off

Since this type of material isn’t as heavy-duty as something like metal, it can sometimes have problems where grass and weeds grow underneath it. This means that it can begin to lift out of place when you don’t want it to. While it is great for a short amount of time, it will not be able to stop unwanted grass from growing into your garden which completely defeats one of the purposes of having a border edge, unfortunately.

Contact Us Today!

Here at Border Magic of Lake and Orange Counties, we pride ourselves on bringing the highest quality of service to you. Contact us today to learn more about how we could help you install plastic edging around your flowerbed or sidewalk. We will see you next time on our series about different edging materials!